Creative Stuff and Things - I'm a "Professional" now


Welcome to the Blog

Jan 2020 - pic by Kim Nieuwenhuis

Jan 2020 - pic by Kim Nieuwenhuis

2020 has been a strange year in every my aspect of life.

Like most people in this plague year, I feel the dichotomy of this downtime in lockdown as THE perfect opportunity to achieve the things that I didn’t have the time to do before and also the paralyzing anxiety that has left me frozen, unable to do even the things I like to do. I have forgotten my sense of self, I look at pictures of myself at the start of the year and cannot relate to that former me. What does he like, does he enjoy things?

Having created this website in 2017, not long after I finished university, it has stayed relatively unused the last three years. Remembering its existence just recently, I think now might be the time for it to come to life. Perhaps I could use this blog to post the things that I am doing; be it photography, a film review, YouTube, podcast, writing, etc. Perhaps if I do this I can look back at the end of lockdown and see that I haven’t wasted as much of time as I thought.

All good intentions though. I thrive on good intentions but find it hard to follow through.

Let’s set some goals shall we:

  1. Make a showreel for this website: This was meant to be done around the time I created the website, but I am profoundly good at procrastinating, so it kind of fell to the back boiler.

  2. Begin making YouTube videos: In the past, I made one essay type video (see babyface to the right). It’s something I have always wanted to do, but didn’t even know where to begin, or how to plan it. That brings us nicely on to number 3.

  3. Become better at time management: Yikes, this is a must. There is so much that I want to do, but my issue seems to be picking one thing and just sticking with it. I need to learn to delegate my time more effectively so I feel more accomplished.

  4. Do more photography: I’ve had a film camera for over a year now and while that has been great from helping me actually have to think about what each setting does, I’ve not really done much ‘creative’ photography I guess you would call it. My plan is to take my DSLR and do a 30 day photo challenge to properly get me into the photography swing.

  5. Plan short film: Directing was not something I feel I properly took the opportunity to try out during my time at university. I have always felt this is something I would like to give a proper go if the journey. Perhaps, this blog could track my progress as I develop the movie.

Self portrait Budapest

Self portrait Budapest

Five goals is a nice number to start with. I‘m going to try and write one post a week to hold myself accountable and keep progressing. Let’s pray I can stick with it.